Moves Fitness

Moves Fitness

Moves Fitness

Redefining inclusivity in fitness design.

Redefining inclusivity in fitness design.

Redefining inclusivity in fitness design.

Let’s face it, most of us (myself included) do not get enough exercise. We say we’re going to do it, but something always seems to get in the way. Is it our fault? No, of course not. Not to mention the horrible options available to us, like gyms; with their unflattering florescent lighting. Gross.

Enter the Moves app, a digital fitness platform that provides the guidance needed for a beginner and the tracking efficiency a professional loves. All provided at your finger tips to workout wherever you'd like.


We helped the Moves team build a better core experience while staying true to their exercising philosophy.

My Role

Product Designer — Discovery, User Research, Design

Defining the problem

We were handed the current version of the app (shown above) with glaring issues. The app was buggy, the experience was broken and the visuals were a little outdated, to say the least. But even with all of its defect, Moves had a loyal and growing user base. We found that to be very sweet, and intriguing — so we set out to understand the people using the app.

Within user interviews, we met with everyone from busy moms with hectic schedules loving the option to choose between a long or short workout to seasoned athletes that appreciated the easy to use exercise-tracking features.

This all led us to question, how might we design an experience that balances the needs of both a beginner and a power user cohesively?

Designing our North Star

We started with and focused on the core experience of an exercise app - the workout. With two main personas, seemingly at opposites, we knew we wanted interchangeable states or views while working out.

Focused view vs list view.
Compliment each other not two different experiences

Switch between two states
Questioned if toggle was the right visual element
Tried swiping to another view

Visual Explorations

Redesigning this app also meant new visuals and branding. As a fitness app, we knew we wanted something bold and exciting while still keeping functionality front and center. This translated through the bold colors used sparingly on elements that needed attention – like action items.